Publications and Reports
November 2, 2021 2024-09-27 21:07Publications and Reports
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Wet Granulation, 1st Edition, Theory and Practice in a Quality by Design Paradigm, Editors: Ajit Narang Sherif Badawy, Hardcover ISBN: 9780128104606, eBook ISBN: 9780323481038, Imprint: Academic Press, Published Date: 9th October 2018 [Description]
- Chapter 15. “Principles of Drag Force Flow Sensor”, Valery Sheverev, Vadim Stepaniuk, Ajit S. Narang, pp. 513-538
- Chapter 16. “Real-Time Assessment of Granule Densification and Application to Scale-up”, Ajit S. Narang Valery Sheverev, Vadim Stepaniuk, Sherif I.F. Badavi, Tim Stevens, Kevin Macias, Abraham E. Wolf, Preetanshu Pandey, Dilbir Bindra, Sailesh A. Varia, pp. 539-568
- Chapter 19. “Wet Mass Consistency reported by In-Line Drag Force Flow Sensor Compared With Powder Rheology and Shaft Amperage”, Ajit S. Narang Valery Sheverev, Vadim Stepaniuk, Sherif I.F. Badavi, Dilbir Bindra, Ganeshkumar Subramanian, Tim Freeman, Douglas Both, Kevin Macias, Michael Delancy, Doug Millington-Smith, pp. 651-654
Process Analytical Technology for High Shear Wet Granulation: Wet Mass Consistency Reported by In-Line Drag Flow Force Sensor Is Consistent With Powder Rheology Measured by At-Line FT4 Powder Rheometer®. J. Pharm. Sci., 105 (2016), n1, pp. 182-187 A.S. Narang, V. Sheverev, T. Freeman, D. Both, V. Stepaniuk, M. Delancy, D. Millington-Smith, K. Macias, G. Subramanian. [PDF]
Real-Time Assessment of Granule Densification in High Shear Wet Granulation and Application to Scale-up of a Placebo and a Brivanib Alaninate Formulation. J. Pharm. Sci., 104 (2015), n3, pp. 1019-1034 A. S. Narang, V. Sheverev, V. Stepaniuk, S. Badawy, T. Stevens, K. Macias, A. Wolf, P. Pandey, D. Bindra, and S. Varia. [PDF]
The Practicalities and Benefits of Inline Technology for Monitoring Mixing
Powder and Bulk Engineering, January 2020, John Yin and Valery Sheverev. [PDF]
Transitioning to In-Line Powder Flowability Measurement
Powder & Bulk Solids, 2019 [REFER]
Measuring Drag Force Flow To Control High Shear Wet Granulation
Pharmaceutical Processing World, 2017 by Katrina Brockbank, Freeman Technology Ltd. [REFER]
In-Line Monitoring Technology for Granulation Optimization
Powder & Bulk Solids, 2017 [REFER]
New In-Line Real Time Technology for Process Monitoring
Powder & Bulk Solids, 2017 [REFER]
Measurements of Wall Shear Stress in ARDE Barinco CJ‐20 Mixer Using Lenterra’s M‐series RealShear™ Wall Shear Stress Sensor, Lenterra Inc., January 2013 [PDF]
Wall Shear Stress Measurements in PF-6 Peristaltic Pump, Lenterra Inc., January 2015 [PDF]
Granulation Process Monitoring in a Sweco Vibratory Fluid Bed Dryer, Lenterra Inc., January 2015 [PDF]
Tests with Philips Airfloss, Lenterra Inc., January 2014 [PDF]
- PAT and QbD in Formulation Technology Transfer
- In-line real-time measurement of liquid processes using RealShear and DFF Sensors
- In-line real-time measurement of liquid and powder flows using RealShear and DFF sensors
- DFF Sensor Bioreactor
- Direct Measurement of Wall Shear Stress in Single- and Multiphase Flows