Publications and Reports


Handbook of Pharmaceutical Wet Granulation, 1st Edition, Theory and Practice in a Quality by Design Paradigm, Editors: Ajit Narang Sherif Badawy, Hardcover ISBN: 9780128104606, eBook ISBN: 9780323481038, Imprint: Academic Press, Published Date: 9th October 2018 [Description]


Process Analytical Technology for High Shear Wet Granulation: Wet Mass Consistency Reported by In-Line Drag Flow Force Sensor Is Consistent With Powder Rheology Measured by At-Line FT4 Powder Rheometer®. J. Pharm. Sci., 105 (2016), n1, pp. 182-187 A.S. Narang, V. Sheverev, T. Freeman, D. Both, V. Stepaniuk, M. Delancy, D. Millington-Smith, K. Macias, G. Subramanian. [PDF]

Real-Time Assessment of Granule Densification in High Shear Wet Granulation and Application to Scale-up of a Placebo and a Brivanib Alaninate Formulation. J. Pharm. Sci., 104 (2015), n3, pp. 1019-1034 A. S. Narang, V. Sheverev, V. Stepaniuk, S. Badawy, T. Stevens, K. Macias, A. Wolf, P. Pandey, D. Bindra, and S. Varia. [PDF]

The Practicalities and Benefits of Inline Technology for Monitoring Mixing
Powder and Bulk Engineering, January 2020, John Yin and Valery Sheverev. [PDF]


Transitioning to In-Line Powder Flowability Measurement
Powder & Bulk Solids, 2019 [REFER]

Measuring Drag Force Flow To Control High Shear Wet Granulation
Pharmaceutical Processing World, 2017 by Katrina Brockbank, Freeman Technology Ltd. [REFER]

In-Line Monitoring Technology for Granulation Optimization
Powder & Bulk Solids, 2017 [REFER]

New In-Line Real Time Technology for Process Monitoring
Powder & Bulk Solids, 2017 [REFER]

Real-Time In-Line Monitoring of High Shear Wet Granulation Powder & American Pharmaceutical Review, 2017 [REFER]


Measurements of Wall Shear Stress in ARDE Barinco CJ‐20 Mixer Using Lenterra’s M‐series RealShear™ Wall Shear Stress Sensor, Lenterra Inc., January 2013  [PDF]

Wall Shear Stress Measurements in PF-6 Peristaltic Pump, Lenterra Inc., January 2015 [PDF]

 Granulation Process Monitoring in a Sweco Vibratory Fluid Bed Dryer, Lenterra Inc., January 2015 [PDF]

Tests with Philips Airfloss, Lenterra Inc., January 2014 [PDF]