Lenterra Inline Rheometer (LIR)
A fiber-optical technology bringing a solution to your process monitoring needs. LIR provides multiple characterization of flowing material in real time in a desired locality within your processing equipment. Inline or offline. Liquids or powders.
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Drag Force Flow sensor
The heart of LIR is DFF - a robust and reliable sensor that delivers sensitive measurements of shear stress and temperature in a flow. No moving parts and no electronics. Fiber-optical sensing and connectivity.
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RealShearTM Wall Shear Stress sensor
An extension of DFF sensor, Lenterra’s RealShearTM is the smallest of its kind floating-element-based sensor. Installed flush with the wall of a mixer or pipe, it provides direct measurement of wall shear stress exerted by flowing liquid or gas, in real time. Small footprint. Sensitive measurement.
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Data on your computer screen
Lenterra’s plug-and-play LENFLOW measurement software connects all parts of LIR, communicates with the interrogator, and displays multiple flow characteristics during the measurement. The post-processing software LENSIGHT includes a number of tools for specific and detailed analysis of the acquired data while comparing with results of other measurements. Intuitive controls. Modifiable graphics.
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In line and real time
Revolutionary step in rheometry
Off-line product testing is not sufficient to assure that a process consistently results in product with predetermined specifications. Lenterra’s inline solution opens a window to adequate process design, to knowledge and control of factors that are responsible for process variability. LIR offers a prospective for reliable production of a quality product.
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